Bollywood stars Shah Rukh Khan, Anushka Sharma and Katrina Kaif shared the trailer for their next big movie of the year, Zero. The film’s trailer was revealed at a launch event in Mumbai on Friday, which also marks Shah Rukh Khan’s birthday.
The trailer was launched at an event at IMAX Wadala in Mumbai. Since a portion of the film was shot in Meerut, the filmmakers recreated a part of the city at the venue as well.
The makers decided to launch ‘Zero’ trailer on SRK’s birthday as the day is always special for the actor and the media as well. King Khan generally keeps a press meet and treats the media on his birthday. SRK along with Anushka Sharma, Katrina Kaif and Anand L Rai who were present at the event celebrated his birthday with a small cake cutting ceremony in the presence of the media.
It was a double celebration for King Khan as along with the trailer launch the actor also celebrated his birthday. SRK was already elated with the response he received from his industry friends as some of them already declared the trailer to be a blockbuster. Fans too gave a thumbs up to the trailer as soon as it went online.
Zero is a story that celebrates life, the first look of the film featured Shah Rukh Khan as the adorable vertically challenged man piquing the interests of the audience to witness the unusual tale. The makers then treated the audience with a big Eid treat in the form of a glimpse from the Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan song in the second teaser.
Red Chillies Entertainment and Colour Yellow Productions come together to bring ZERO, produced by Gauri Khan, starring Anushka Sharma, Katrina Kaif and Shah Rukh Khan, the Aanand L Rai directorial is all set to release on 21st December 2018